These Addons are used to spawn certain Game Related Objects and removing them.
Spawn Companion
This Addon allows you to spawn a Companion. Companions will eventually have their own tutorials but long story short, they are same as Fighters but simpler. They can have their own States and even AIs.
Example code is in "OmenDocs_Adv_SM" as State 850.
"Target Companion" is the reference for spawning the Companion.
"New Companion Tag" can be used to set a Tag to reach it via various means.
"Companion Palette" is the material to use for Companion.
"Spawn Location / Rotation" is transform values for the Companion.
"Kickstart State Module" and "State ID to Trigger" are values to trigger a certain State when the Companion spawns. "PS Variable List" can be used to send additional data.
Companion Destroy Call
This Addon allows you to remove a Companion from the game.
Spawn Stage Object
This Addon allows you to spawn a Stage Object.
Example code is in "OmenDocs_Adv_SM" as State 850.
"Stage Object to Spawn" is the reference for spawning the Stage Object.
"Spawn Location / Rotation" is transform values for the Companion.
"Target SM" and "State to Trigger" are values to trigger a certain State when the Companion spawns. "SO Post S Var List" can be used to send additional data.
Bind Stage Object to Target / Unbind Stage Object
This Addon allows you to let a Stage Object be attached to a Character in a forced way.
You can use "Object to Bind" as your target that needs to be bound. "Binding Type" can be either Offset or Socket Style and this affects which options below to be used to relocate the Target.
"Offset Settings" allows an offset value to determine the actual location of attachment where as "Socket Settings" allows much more accurate targeting with one extra condition that Target's Sprite Socket should also be provided.
"Rotate Target to Self" forces Target to face to the Attacker and Extra Rotation value can be used to Rotate the Flipbooks of Bound Target if further rotation is needed.
The Usage of this Addon will be explained in a Tutorial eventually.
"Unbind Stage Object" is used finish the binding Stage Object to the Character.
This addon can "Reset Relative Rotation" if extra rotation properties were used previously.
You can also Trigger a "SM Target" and a "State ID" in it while using "PS Variable List" to send data.
Spawn / Destroy Game Object
These Addons are used to spawn a "Game Object", which contains almost no self written code and completely free to do your own stuff.
It is suggested to know what you are doing with these as they can exist even after the game is over and you are back to Menus etc
​Spawn Fighter UI
This Addon allows you to spawn Fighter-Unique UIs. More info and tutorial on this later.