Addon - Interaction Definition
This Addon is used to trigger interactions with Stage Objects that are present in the Stage. An example can be throwable objects, health pickups, breakable barrels etc.
This Addon contains 3 additional extensions to make interactions easier which will be mentioned below.
"Condition" is used to trigger this Addon. The check is continuous as long as the Character is in this State.
"Trace for Collision Box" is used so that instead of checking Flipbooks, Addon uses the Collision Boxes instead. This is mostly used for more reliable target finding but not needed if the object is static and not moving.
"State Trigger Count" sets the count of how many times this Addon can interact with the same Stage Object before ignoring it completely.
"Trigger Delay" stops the Addon from triggering for a certain amount of frame after interacting with at least one Stage Object.
Example of this Addon resides in the State Module called "OmenDocs_Ints_SM". "State 805" is used to spawn a Barrel and "State 810" is used to interact with the said barrel.
Important thing to keep in mind is, this Addon uses the "Trace Box" Collision values to use in the sprites of the Character. Example shown below;
Creating a Trace Box in Sprite Collisions.
Example of Interaction.
Extension 1 - Impact Effect 2D
​----------------------- Inputs -----------------------
"ID" is used to be able to reach out this Effect by various means.
"Flipbook" is to select the animation, "Material" is for selecting the material or a palette.
"Render Position" defines whether we want it to be behind or in front of important Actors.
"Render Priority" is used to whether we want to render the effect behind or in front of other Effects that have same "Render Position" value.
"Force Unlit Mode" allows the rendered Flipbook to not get effected by the lighting sources currently present.
"Cast Shadow/Reflections" decides if such Flipbooks should be rendered on ground level.
"World Scale" is for to everyone's surprise, about the scale of the Flipbook. Crazy right?
"Delta Rotation" is if we want to add some extra rotation to the sprite. Useful to give a random feeling to the Flipbook if linked to a "Random Rotation in range" etc.​
This Extension is used to trigger a Flipbook Effect.
Triggers multiple times depending on the amount of Targets that got hit if executed via the outputs of "Addon - Interaction Definition".
Both "Extension Entry" and "Impact Data" must be connected for this node to work properly.
---- Transform Properties ----
All these properties are used if you want the Effect tp get attached to a target with various means that Unreal Engine provides. Suggested to be left empty by default.
---- Remove Parameters ----
"Remove Time in Frames" lets us having a timer for Effect to deleted. If left at "-1" it will be deleted when the Animation of Flipbook is over.
Extension 2 - Impact Sound
This Extension is used to trigger a Sound File.
Triggers multiple times depending on the amount of Targets that got hit if executed via the outputs of "Addon - Interaction Definition".
Both "Extension Entry" and "Impact Data" must be connected for this node to work properly.
​Extension 3 - Impact State
This Extension is used to trigger a State for the Stage Object.
Triggers multiple times depending on the amount of Targets that got hit if executed via the outputs of "Extension - Impact Attributes".
Both "Extension Entry" and "Attack Impact Data" must be connected for this node to work properly.
"State Module / ID" is used to trigger the said State. If left empty the "Main State Module" value of Stage Object will be used.
"PS Variable List" is used to send additional data if needed.